COIDA, Return of Earnings – CRS can help

South African employers will by now be cognisant of the fact that the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases (COID) Act replaces the Workmen’s Compensation Act, and they have to register with the Compensation Commissioner.

The legislation covers compensation for disablement caused by occupational injuries, diseases sustained or contracted by employees in the course of their employment, and for death resulting from injuries and diseases.

The benefits are paid from the Compensation Fund, which gets its money from compulsory contributions.

As part of registering for COID an employer is required to submit the annual Return of Earnings (ROE) form whereupon the employer will pay and annual assessment fee.

The annual assessment fee of an employer is based on their employee’s earnings and the risks associated with the type of work or profession.

The RMA (Rand Mutual Assurance) COID ROE filing season deadline is 31 March 2018.

The COIDA ROE filing season deadline has been extended to 31 May 2018. The online Compensation Fund (CF) filing system will be open for submission from 1 April 2018 to 31 May 2018.

These are important dates to remember and like all HR and payroll related legislation, processes, checks and balances can be tricky to manage. We can assist you with the successful assessment and submission of your ROE.

We have the expertise to assist you to better understand the legislation and the impact on your business, to advise you on the best practice process to comply, to submit your ROE to the Department of Labour or the RMA, as well as increase compliance with legislation and reduce the risk of non-compliance.

Severe penalties can be imposed for non-compliance and criminal proceedings will be instituted for misrepresentation of facts.

Email us today at to schedule a conversation and let us guide you through the process!

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