Online submission of PAYE returns through the Integrated Tax Administration System (ITAS) Portal Following the press release issued by the Ministry of Finance early January 2019 to notify taxpayers of the online submission requirements pertaining to the new Integrated Tax Administration System (ITAS), another press release was issued on 19 April 2019.
The submission of monthly employee tax (PAYE) returns is expected to be lodged online, through the ITAS portal as from March 2019. The online submission is done by completing an Excel spreadsheet with detailed payroll information of employees and upload it on ITAS.
The Ministry was informed that some employers are not ready to submit their PAYE returns electronically due to the need to adjust their payroll systems in order to be compliant with the ITAS requirements.
It was agreed that affected employers may submit their monthly PAYE returns manually until September 2019. Thereafter no manual submissions for PAYE will be accepted.
Employers opting to submit their returns manually must take note that they are obliged to update all manual submissions by uploading electronic versions on ITAS by September 2019.
The deadline for submission and payment remains the 20th of every month.
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