In the current economic climate, many cash-strapped businesses find themselves unable to pay their outstanding tax debt to SARS. Putting the problem on hold by not submitting a tax return will not only incur severe penalties and high interest for your business, but is also illegal.
CRS now offers a solution to its HR and payroll clients in the form of a tax advisory service from Tax Debt Compliance. The company’s range of tax relief mechanisms include:
- Negotiation of affordable instalment agreements with SARS on behalf of your business;
- Compromise applications to SARS which, if approved, will enable your business to settle tax debt at a reduced amount;
- Tax due diligence to ensure compliance with South African tax legislation;
Formulation of tax opinions for businesses considering entering into complex transactions that could hold significant tax consequences.
Tax Debt Compliance boasts a 100 per cent success rate since its establishment and has helped numerous clients retain their assets and maintain their business operations. As a business owner and CRS client, this service means you can now focus on running your business with the peace of mind that your tax issues are in the capable hands of Tax Debt Compliance.
Contact our team at if you require any additional information.