It is important that employers note the following:
Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) to continue accepting claims
The Department of Employment and Labour released a media statement on Thursday, 2 July to inform employers and employees that COVID-19 TERS claims submitted for April, May and June 2020 will still be accepted and processed
As per the directive issued in Government Gazette 43161 by the Employment and Labour Minister on 26 March 2020, COVID-19 TERS benefits are to last for a period of three months
The UIF will continue to process and pay claims submitted for this period until the cut-off date is determined, even though June was the last month for the COVID-19 TERS benefits as per the directive
The UIF Commissioner also indicated in the media statement that while claims for the determined period will be accepted, the fund is currently experiencing technical difficulties around the opening of the system for June submissions.
He apologised for the delays and stated that the fund will work towards opening the system over the weekend but will ensure that it is completely stable before re-opening for June applications.
Contact our legislation team at info@crs.co.za if you require any additional information.
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