It is important that employers note the following:
National Minimum Wage (NMW)
On 8 February the Department of Employment and Labour published Government Gazette No. 44136, providing for the amendment of the national minimum wage, as set out in Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 of the National Minimum Wage Act 9 of 2018.
With effect from 1 March 2021 the national minimum wage will be:
- R21,69 per ordinary hour worked;
- R21,69 per ordinary hour for farm workers;
- R19,09 per ordinary hour for domestic workers;
- R11,93 per ordinary hour for workers employed on an expanded public works programme.
In addition, the Minister published revised rates of pay for employees in the contract cleaning sector, employees employed in terms of learnership agreements, and employees in the wholesale and retail sector.
To view the official publication, follow the link.
BCEA Earnings Threshold
The Minister has also, in terms of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) earnings threshold, revised the rate from R205 433.30 to R211 596.30, effective 1 March 2021.
Government Gazette No. 44137 of 8 February 2021 refers.
Chapter 2 of the Act deals with, among others, the regulation of working time, limit on the duration of an employee’s working week, and prescribing a rate at which an employee should be paid to work outside normal working hours.
Employees who earn in excess of the threshold are excluded from certain provisions of the BCEA, such as those relating to ordinary hours of work (section 9), overtime (section 10), compressed working weeks (section 11), averaging hours of work (section 12), meal intervals (section 14), daily and weekly rest periods (section 15), pay for work on Sundays (section 16), pay for night work (section 17(2)) and pay for public holidays where the employee works on a day he/she would not ordinarily work (section 18(3)).
To view the official publication, follow the link.
Contact our legislation team at info@crs.co.za if you require any additional information.
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