Putting people first in a digital work environment

One of the concerns that the rapid rise of remote working has highlighted is the potential for employee burnout. Ian McAlister, General Manager at CRS Technologies, says this does not have to be the case, as modernising systems provide scope for increased flexibility.

Putting people first in a digital work environment

One of the concerns that the rapid rise of remote working has highlighted is the potential for employee burnout. Ian McAlister, General Manager at CRS Technologies, says this does not have to be the case, as modernising systems provide scope for increased flexibility.

“This will require decision-makers to shift their focus from having staff clock in and out of work at certain times and rather look at the deliverables they must accomplish. So, even though the workplace of the future will be digitally led, it will be guided by a people-centricity that was previously often lacking in traditional systems,” he says.

By embracing digital solutions and processes, companies will not only ensure their ability to survive market uncertainty, but also optimise economic efficiency. This is where strategy becomes important as it helps guide decision-makers on identifying the stakeholder partners to pursue, the employees best fit for reskilling and upskilling, and incorporating flexibility in how these engagements take place.

Mitigate risk of disruption

“Becoming digital first when it comes to technology and innovation will aid companies in creating a stronger defensive organisational environment that is adept at withstanding disruption, whether this comes from the pandemic or other external forces,” says McAlister. “To do so requires a focus more on systemic enhancements than on generating short-term profit. One of the spin-offs this will bring is companies becoming more focused on employee wellbeing, restructuring organisational processes to optimise remote working environments, and using leadership more creatively to unlock value from their workers.”

Central to this is how technology becomes the enabler to reach the potential a digitised working environment can bring. But providing the parameters to do so effectively requires a focus on getting the most out of people and valuing them for more than the skills they provide.

All about the people

“Research shows that establishing a human-centric culture, adopting agile and nimble organisational structures, and paying attention to health and safety will become the new priorities in this future world of work. These components combine to drive people transformation using digital solutions,” says McAlister.

Some of the factors that human resource departments can consider in this regard include personalising rewards schemes, building skills for the future, and linking performance and productivity. Data-driven insights can help guide companies on how best to capitalise on this and differentiate themselves from competitors by how effectively they embrace digital solutions.

“Throughout this process, productivity, growth, and innovation must remain top of mind. By adding value using digital means to deliver an improved return on investment, companies can capitalise on technology in more optimised ways, ultimately benefitting from digital solutions geared towards a more connected business environment,” concludes McAlister.

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