It is important that employers note the following:
Notice issued informing employers of COIDA compliance and intentions to conduct employer COIDA audits and employer site visits
On 14 July 2021 the Department of Employment and Labour issued notice no. 1151 of 2022 in Government Gazette 47018 in terms of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases (COID) Act, 1993 (Act No 130 of 1993). The notice serves to inform employers that the Compensation Fund, based on the below prescripts, will embark on employer engagements, site visits and audits in establishing effective registration and compliance to the COID Act.
·       Section 80 of the COID Act requires all employers who are operating a business with one or more employees to register with the Compensation Commissioner and to provide all particulars in connection thereof.
·       Section 81 of the Act requires employers to keep records of earnings and particulars of employees, and to produce such upon request.
·       Section 82 of the Act requires all employers to provide the Commissioner with an accurate Return of Earnings on an annual basis.
·       Section 83 of the Act indicates that the Director-General shall assess an employer according to a tariff on the basis of a percentage of annual earnings.
Failure to comply with the prescripts of the COID Act is an offense. |